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Sticking Instructions


Thank you for you support of my papercutting project!

Here are a few things you need to know after receiving your package.


Your package will look something like this. Please place on a flat surface before removing the bull-clips, otherwise, the paper might fall out. Inside, you will find your papercutting and a piece of blutack embedded into the cardboard.

I hope you don't mind me using repurposed cardboard from the supermarket. This is actually more work to find and cut them into size, but I didn't want to waste virgin cardboard or foamboard for environmental reasons.

Although the pieces are machine cut, it does make mistakes. Every papercutting has been tweaked to remove any small tears or crinkled edges. This was perhaps the most gruelling process in production. Many pieces failed quality control and had to be discarded entirely. If you notice any major mistakes in your papercutting, please send a photo to me.


I insisted on using traditional calligraphy paper because of its authentic texture. The paper does fade slowly over time into a light orange tone. I personally love the fading marks the progress of the year, but if you don't, you could flip over the papercutting and use the cardstock side instead.

The traditional paper is a hand-made product and will have some inconsistencies such as colour variation, paint streaks and minor spots. I tried my best to maintain a consistency. Each piece was sorted into colour tones so that they could be matched with a similar partner.


Sticking Instructions

The blutack provided is best for glass, lacquered doors and painted walls.

The blutack may leave a stain, so if you're concerned about your surfaces, you could buy removable 3M gel-stickers from a stationery store.

  1. Before beginning, make sure you've picked the exact spot you want it to be.

  2. Roll the Blu-tack into 10 tiniest balls. Apply them to the back [the glossier side] of the papercutting.

  3. Place 8 balls around the perimeter, at the extremities where there is more space.

  4. Place 2 additional balls across the middle portion.

  5. Lift the papercutting into place. Confirm the position, then press firmly on the blutack

You can either place the two paper-cuttings side-by-side or on two separate doors/window panes.

I recommend placing the male on the left and female on the right [男左女右], so that their sharp elbows are pointing away from each other.

Any feedback you have, positive or negative, will be very helpful for me.

Thank you for your support!

© 2019 by Nicholas Tsao

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